Fighting at Mandalore (2025)
Khalkhin Gol, World War II (2025)
Black Hawk Down film MOC (2025)
Folgore at North Africa, World War II (2025)
Christmas at the Ardennes, World War II (2024)
The Battle of Arnhem. Operation Market Garden, World War II (2024)
Marching to the frontline, Napoleonic Wars (2024)
Polish Bunker, World War II (2024)
On to Brussels, World War I (2024)
Fort de Vaux, World War I (2024)
Japanese Island Defenses, World War II (2024)
The Battle of Monte Grappa, World War I (2024)
The Battle of the Bulge: Bastogne 1944 (2023)
Assault on Rhen Var (2023)
Roman Castrum (Fort) (2023)
Lybian Oasis 1941 (2023)
Battle of Camerone 1863 (2023)
Seehund at the port (2023)
The Batle of Austerlitz 1805 (2023)
The Battle of Liège 1914 (2022)
The Battle of Gettysburg (2022)
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