sábado, 14 de enero de 2023

Defenders of the Reichstag WWII MOC

Hey guys! First post of the year! Today I show you my latest MOC. It's the Reichstag main entrance where 2 German soldiers stand with a MG42 on a tripod. Took me almost 2 weeks to complete since I work in another project at the same time but it's finally here. I'm pretty happy with how this build turned out finally. When I started I only planned to do the stairs and the doors with the columns so the soldiers where the main "star" of the picture. I just wanted a cool background. But then I was like why not continue building and put the background at the same level of importance the minifigs have here? So I have improvised this build and it was very fun. I love the result. Only thing I would change is the roof full of studs but well at that point I only had plates to do it and finish the whole build finally. Hope you like it guys!

The battle for the Reichstag was fought in the last days of April and it took Soviet several atempts and a couple of days until their red flag was on the roof of the building. Defenders of the Reichstag were mainly some hundreds of SS but there were Fallschirmjagers and other troops there too. Here you have the best video you can find if you want to know more about how the USSR took the building: 

No minifigs

The entrance. I used broken pieces as you can see. 

Can we call this Behind The Scenes content?

The stairs

Tripod isn't my design. Saw it on Flickr many years ago but I don't remember who I saw it from

SS soldier

As you see through the pictures I tested with the lighting for these pictures. Here is the picture that inspired the building. 

Source: https://www.italeri.com/en/product/2908

Hope you like this build guys. It was fun. Years ago on Flickr there was a user building the whole Reichstag in tan color. It was cool and looked promising but I think he became inactive and the project was never finished I guess. Would be cool to build more of the building in the future with more parts and working harder on getting the design closer to the real one and specially building a battlefield in the front of it to represent the battle happened there almost 78 years ago! See you soon guys stay tunned for more content! 

The Youtube video with (almost all) the pictures:

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